How To Get Someone’s Contact Information

There are so many ways to get someone’s contact information, but the best way to do it is to first engage in fascinating chit chat, offer a reason for needing to contact and then swap digits. It can happen in as little as a minute. If you need longer, take your time.

If you know that this person likes movies, you’ll need to say “well maybe we can catch a movie sometime.” Another option is to forego the invitation and just say, "Why don’t we keep in touch. I’d love to chat sometime.” Who would be rude enough to say, “No, I’d rather not” after such a good conversation?

There are some people who decide that they don’t give out their numbers, and then ask for an email, Facebook, or any other means of contact.

An even swap of numbers instantly programmed into your phone is the best way to get it.

Perfect. You can store their name in your phone with little details to help you remember your new friend like the name and the place that you met them. Example: Nancy Shakespeare Fest.

Card swaps are OK, but 20% effective. You’ll want to double check that there is a personal cell on there. Beware of cards with very little information on them as well.  Honestly, they just don't seem personal enough.

You could make your contact on Facebook. The key is to really connect on a cerebral level first, so you'll want to examine their profile and make intelligent, witty, and enthralling conversation to get things started.

Once you have your contact mode, it’s important for you to use it within the next 24 hours to reestablish the connection via, text, email, or any of the social networking website messaging. “Hey, it was nice meeting you at the festival. I hope we can chat again soon.” Or, “It was a pleasure chatting with you at the festival. Let me know if you were still interested in doing something this week like we talked about.”

It’s pretty straightforward without being needy.

Don’t send them you number again in FEAR that they don’t have it and don’t send them another message if they don’t return your message. These acts will send a very direct message that you are NEEDY and you’ll probably never hear from this person again.

Stay cool.

It’s okay if they don’t call you.  Maybe they are busy.   Maybe they aren't really interested in keeping contact.  You want that initial response back acknowledging you before acting on anything.

This is all practice. You did it and you are brave, confident, and charming enough to do it all over again if necessary.

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